About the program
The Specialization in Politics & Society aims to offer theoretical-methodological tools to critically analyze contemporary social processes and discourses, from Brazil and the world. Situated at the intersection of Sociology, Political Science and Economics, our course develops in our students innovative ways of thinking and acting so that they can propose, in their areas of expertise, alternatives that are up to the complexity of our contemporary crisis.
More information in lato@iesp.uerj.br
The course is organized in 14 (fourteen) disciplines, distributed in the three modules below, complemented by another 3 (three) electives. In total, the specialization has a classload of 375 hours and in person meetings will take place twice a week. Click on the courses to view their respective descriptions.
Axis 1: Democracy and State
Democracia e pensamento brasileiro
Política – Política brasileira – Teoria & Pensamento
Instituições políticas brasileiras
Direito e Estado – Partidos políticos – Política brasileira
Políticas públicas: teoria e prática
Direito e Estado – Política brasileira
Política Externa Brasileira
Política brasileira – Política internacional
Partidos e estratégias políticas em crise
Direito e Estado – Partidos políticos – Política internacional
Axis 2: Public sphere & Civil society
Direito e sociedade
Direito e Estado – Política brasileira
Movimentos sociais, cidadania e participação
Movimentos Sociais
Meios de comunicação e esfera pública
Mídia – Opinião Pública
Raça, Gênero e Classe no Debate Público
Direito e Estado – Movimentos Sociais – Raça e Gênero
Axis 3: Inequalities & Work
Desigualdades e estrutura social brasileira
Desigualdade Social
Economia política e Estado de bem-estar social
Direito e Estado – Economia
Transformações do trabalho no mundo globalizado
Economia – Trabalho
Oficinas de pesquisa e metodologia
Teoria & Pensamento
Axis 4: Elective courses
Tópicos especiais em Ciência Política
Política – Teoria & Pensamento
Tópicos especiais em Sociologia
Social – Teoria & Pensamento
Tópicos especiais em Relações Internacionais
Política internacional – Teoria & Pensamento
Breno Marques Bringel
Carlos Antonio Costa Ribeiro
Carlos Roberto Sanchez Milani
Fabiano Guilherme Mendes Santos
José Mauricio Castro Domingues
Leticia de Abreu Pinheiro
Luiz Augusto Campos
Luiz Fernando Rodrigues de Paula
Mariana Cavalcanti Rocha dos Santos
Class of 2021 Selection
When applying, candidates must prepare a small letter (one page only), justifying their interest in Specialization in Politics & Society. Applicants will be called for a brief interview, in which successful candidates will be selected.
The complete list of necessary documents for inscription is:
- Double sided copy of Graduation Diploma
- Copy of the Identity Card and CPF
- Updated Curriculum Vitae
- 2 (two) recent photographs
- One-page letter with justification of interest in the lato sensu specialization
- Proof of payment of inscription fee (generate slip in: cepuerj.uerj.br)
All documents must be sent to selecao.especializacao.2021@iesp.uerj.br for the registration to be carried out. For more details, check out our Selection Notice for the class of 2021.
- Affirmative Action Students: According to state legislation (laws 6914/2014 and 6959/2015), the course will offer quotas for students in economic need that meet certain conditions such as self-declaring black, brown or indigenous; having studied/graduated in public schools; having studied/graduated in a private university financed by FIES or PROUNI, having some disability; being the child of civil and military police officers, security inspectors and prison administrators killed or disabled as a result of their service. Affirmative action quotas will be limited and will vary according to the total number of enrollments. All of those students will be entitled to a full scholarship of the course. For more details, consult the list of Documents and forms – UERJ Specializations.
Approved Enrollments of 2021
- Check out here the accepted registrations!
Course Realization:
August 2021 to December 2022
Schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays, from 7pm to 10 pm.
Local: Google for Education (Google Meet) Platform
- Inscription fee: R$ 100,00
- Course monthly tuition: 16 (sixteen) installments of R$ 980,00
- Deductions:
- 20% for single payment of the full value of the course
- 15% for payment of the full value of the course in two installments