PhD from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (with “European Doctor” mention – University of Cambridge), where he is Senior Fellow, awarded by the Program “Researcher Talent” (2022-2026). He is an associate professor at IESP-UERJ, where he works in the Postgraduate Programs in Political Science and Sociology and co-coordinates the Center for Social Theory and Latin America Studies (NETSAL). Has been visiting professor at more than a dozen universities in Latin America and Europe. Currently, is President of the Research Committee on Social Classes and Social Movements (RC47) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and Director of the Latin American Sociological Association (ALAS). Member of Grupo Permamente de Alternativas al Desarrollo and promoter of several initiatives of articulation between social movements and the university. Founder and editor, with Geoffrey Pleyers, of Open Movements (Open Democracy) and columnist and member of the advisory committee of Latinoamérica 21. works mainly in the areas of political sociology, social theory, and Latin American sociology, and his current research addresses three main themes: the transformations of contemporary activism and social movements; the politics of socio-ecological transitions; and the transnational circulation of knowledge, ideas, and protest.

Principais artigos

Bringel, Breno; Domingues, José Maurício. ‘Ciclos políticos: su conceptualización y la América Latina contemporánea’. In: Esteban Torres y José Maurício Domingues (Eds.) Nuevos actores y cambio social en América Latina. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2022, p.263-280.

Bringel, Breno; Leone, Miguel. ‘La construcción intelectual del concepto de colonialismo interno en América Latina: diálogos entre Cardoso de Oliveira, González Casanova y Stavenhagen (1959-1965)‘, Mana, v.27, n.2, 2021, p.1-36.

Bringel, Breno. ‘Geopolítica de la pandemia, escalas de la crisis y escenarios en disputa‘, Geopolítica(s): Revista de Estudios sobre Espacio y Poder, v.11, número especial, 2020, p.173-187.

Bringel, Breno; Alcantara, Livia. ‘Dos Zapatistas aos indignados: mudanças na geopolítica das solidariedades transnacionais‘, Educação & Sociedade, v.41, 2020, p.1-18.

Bringel, Breno; Pleyers, Geoffrey. June 2013, five years later: polarization, reconfiguration of activism, and challenges for the Brazilian left. In: Luis Felipe Miguel e Vladmir Puzone (Eds.) The Brazilian Left in the 21st Century. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, p. 237-257, 2019.

Principais livros

Social Movements and Politics during Covid-19: crisis, solidarity and change in a global pandemic. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022 (com Geoffrey Pleyers)

Desbordes: estallidos, sujetos y porvenires en América Latina. Quito: Fundaçao Rosa Luxemburgo, 2021 (com Alexandra Martínez y Ferdinand Muggenthaler)

Alerta Global. Buenos Aires/Lima: CLACSO/ALAS, 2020 (com Geoffrey Pleyers).

Critical Geopolitics and Regional (Re)configurations: Interregionalism and Transnationalism between Latin America and Europe. London / New York: Routledge, 2019 (com Heriberto Cairo)

Brasil – cambio de era: crisis, protestas y ciclos políticos. Madrid: Catarata, 2018 (com José Maurício Domingues)

Antología del Pensamiento Crítico Brasileño. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2018 (com Antonio Brasil Jr.)

Na mídia

Es urgente sacar a Bolsonaro”. Artigo publicado no The New York Times, 11/08/2021.

Na luta cotidiana, movimentos sociais semeiam alternativas a Bolsonaro”. Artigo, com Ana Claudia Teixeira, publicado no Portal UOL, 18/03/2021.

Cuidar da vida: crise ecossocial e horizontes de futuro”. Artigo publicado na Folha de São Paulo, 01/07/2020

Covid-19 and the new global chaos”. Artigo publicado em Open Democracy, 25/06/2020.

Muito mais que um panelaço: resistências sociais em tempos de coronavírus”. Artigo publicado na Folha de São Paulo, 31/03/2020.

Núcleos de pesquisa