Admitted administratively to the Sirius Network in 2019, the CCS/D – IESP Library (Prof. Wanderley Guilherme dos Santos) serves the stricto sensu Graduate Programs in Political Science and Sociology and the lato sensu Specialization in Politics & Society. The library is also open to the general public.
Field of knowledge: Social Sciences
Expertise: Political Science and Sociology.

Useful information
Business hours: Monday to Friday, from 9am to 7pm.
Address: Rua da Matriz, 82 – Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro (RJ) – Zip code: 22260-100
Staff: Rosalina Barros ( Chief Librarian), Beatriz Levy, Monique Rodrigues, Nathalia Moreira and Rosangela Salles.
Telephone: (21) 2266-8308 | (21) 2266-8308
Services provided
- Book loans
- Local browsing
- Study room
- Computers
- Interlibrary loans
- No-account licences
- Online user registration and renewal
- Standardisation of academic work
- Guidance on using the collection
Library Registration
Registration at the CCS/D – IESP Library can be done by anyone who can prove that they are affiliated to the university for the duration of the term, by presenting the following documents:
- Recent proof of residence
- Supporting statement issued by the department promoting the graduate course (Students)
- Identity card (original) (Students)
- Recent payslip or statement from the department (Staff)
Registration can also be done online.
More information on the Sirius Network website
Online Platforms and Databases
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary loans are granted to users registered with the Sirius Network and in due standing, by requesting the information material from another higher education institution. The loan is made by filling in the proper form (Annex IV).
Standardisation of Academic Work
The University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) is part of the national Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) Consortium, coordinated by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), which manages the database of electronic theses and dissertations produced in Brazilian teaching and research institutions, enabling the Brazilian Science and Technology community to publish and disseminate its academic-scientific production in the country and abroad, giving it greater national and international visibility.
In order for your thesis or dissertation to be included in UERJ’s BDTD, it must meet the standards set by the University.