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The Institute of Social and Political Studies (IESP) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro, successor of the former IUPERJ, develops high level research in the various areas of Sociology and Political Science.
Its nucleous of research link master and doctoral students in more than 30 research projects, spread across several lines of research.
Courses, lectures and selection
With EPyG-UNSAM, IESP-UERJ promotes Academic Seminar in Buenos Aires, Argentina
In August 2022, the Institute for Social and Political Studies (IESP-UERJ), with the School of Politics and Government (EPyG-UNSAM), promotes…
IESP-UERJ Lecture Cycle 2022.2 – Schedule
IESP-UERJ announces the schedule for the second semester of it’s Lecture Cycle 2022. During this period, scholars from various institutions…
IESP-UERJ Masters Selection – 2023 Classes
The Selection Notices for the 2023 Classes for the Masters degree in IESP-UERJ Political Science and Sociology Graduate Programs are…
Online Seminar – Labour in Trance: the metamorphoses of work in digital capitalism
The Institute for Social and Political Studies, along with Crivelli Advogados, promotes, on Monday, June 20, the online seminar Labour…
Courses Schedule 2022.2
The schedule of courses that will be offered by the graduate programs of IESP-UERJ at the second semester of 2022…
Political Theory Workshop with Felipe Freller
Continuing with the reflections of the debate surrounding the launch of the book When it is necessary to decide: Benjamin…
Recently on YouTube
All online seminars will be transmited through our YouTube channel

Interview with Carlos Milani at France 24
Prof. Carlos Milani was interviewed by the French state television network France 24. The coordinator of the Laboratory of World Political Analysis (Labmundo) and the Interdisciplinary Observatory on Climate Change (OIMC) comments on the role played by the current President…
“Why is it not so easy to talk about a ‘new left turn’ in Latin America” – Article by José Maurício Domingues, at Latinoamérica21
Prof. José Maurício Domingues published, at the content platform Latinoamérica21, the article Why is it not so easy to talk about a “new left turn” in Latin America . In the text, the coordinator of the Nucleus for Social Theory…
Release of “Portugal-Brasil, Encontros e Desencontros”, by Carmen Fonseca and Letícia Pinheiro
The Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation (FFMS) is releasing the book Portugal-Brasil: Encontros e Desencontros (“Portugal-Brazil: Matches and Mismatches”), written by Prof. Leticia Pinheiro (IESP-UERJ), coordinator of the coordenadora Foreign Policy Agendas and Actors Research Group (Neaape), with Carmen Fonseca…
Release of “O populismo reacionário”, by Christian Lynch and Paulo Henrique Cassimiro
Publisher Contracorrente is releasing the book O populismo reacionário: ascensão e legado do bolsonarismo (Reactionary populism: rise and legacy of Bolsonarism), written by professors Christian Lynch and Paulo Henrique Cassimiro, also coordinators of the Political Theory and Brazilian Political Thought…
“La era post-Bolsonaro y los retos de la política exterior” – Article by Carlos Milani at Política Exterior
Prof. Carlos Milani, coordinator of the Laboratory of World Political Analysis (Labmundo) and of the Interdisciplinary Observatory on Climate Change (OIMC), has published the article La era post-Bolsonaro y los retos de la política exterior (“The post-Bolsonaro era and the…
Release of”Social Movements and Politics during COVID-19″, by Breno Bringel and Geoffrey Pleyers
Bristol University Press is releasing the book Social Movements and Politics during COVID-19: Crisis, Solidarity and Change in a Global Pandemic, edition organized by Prof. Breno Bringel, coordinator of the Nucleus of Social Theory and Latin America Studies (NETSAL), together…