Prof. Carlos Milani was interviewed by the French state television network France 24. The coordinator of the Laboratory of World Political Analysis (Labmundo) and the Interdisciplinary Observatory on Climate Change (OIMC) comments on the role played by the current President…
The Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation (FFMS) is releasing the book Portugal-Brasil: Encontros e Desencontros (“Portugal-Brazil: Matches and Mismatches”), written by Prof. Leticia Pinheiro (IESP-UERJ), coordinator of the coordenadora Foreign Policy Agendas and Actors Research Group (Neaape), with Carmen Fonseca…
Prof. Carlos Milani, coordinator of the Laboratory of World Political Analysis (Labmundo) and of the Interdisciplinary Observatory on Climate Change (OIMC), has published the article La era post-Bolsonaro y los retos de la política exterior (“The post-Bolsonaro era and the…
Prof. José Maurício Domingues published, at the content platform Latinoamérica21, the article Why is it not so easy to talk about a “new left turn” in Latin America . In the text, the coordinator of the Nucleus for Social Theory…
IESP-UERJ Lecture Cycle invites Prof. Rurion Melo (IEA-USP) to present the conference Democracy and antiracism. Starting at 2pm, with live streaming on our YouTube channel Rurion Soares Melo is a professor in the Department of Political Science at…
Publisher Contracorrente is releasing the book O populismo reacionário: ascensão e legado do bolsonarismo (Reactionary populism: rise and legacy of Bolsonarism), written by professors Christian Lynch and Paulo Henrique Cassimiro, also coordinators of the Political Theory and Brazilian Political Thought…
Bristol University Press is releasing the book Social Movements and Politics during COVID-19: Crisis, Solidarity and Change in a Global Pandemic, edition organized by Prof. Breno Bringel, coordinator of the Nucleus of Social Theory and Latin America Studies (NETSAL), together…
Prof. Breno Bringel, coordinator of the Center for Social Theory and Latin America Studies (NETSAL), gave an interview to the InfoCLACSO2022 en vivo program, broadcast on the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) YouTube channel. The political scientist spoke…
Last Friday, July 22, Pedro Costa, PhD in Political Science from IESP-UERJ, was awarded an honorable mention for the second place in the Guillermo O’Donnell prize of the Latin American Association for Political Science (ALACIP), for his thesis The forgotten…
Prof. Carlos Milani gave an interview to the business intelligence company Morning Consult‘s website, for the article Brazil’s place in the world may be at stake in the next elections. In the content, the coordinator of the Laboratory of World…