Courses schedule 2022.1

The schedule of the IESP-UERJ postgraduate courses for the 2022.1 period is now available and can be viewed by clicking here. Over the next few days, the sylabuses of each course will be available for download. …
The schedule of the IESP-UERJ postgraduate courses for the 2022.1 period is now available and can be viewed by clicking here. Over the next few days, the sylabuses of each course will be available for download. …
The Institute of Social and Political Studies of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ) releases the final results of its selection process for the 2022 classes of the Doctoral courses in Sociology and Political Science. Check…
Já estão publicadas as listas de candidatos selecionados para a fase de aguição de pré-projeto dos processos seletivos para as turmas 2022 dos Doutorados em Ciência Política e Sociologia no IESP-UERJ. Clique aqui para conferir os resultados e acessar os editais …