
International Lecture Cycle: Making Sense of the Post-Covid World

From April 26 to July 19, 2022, IESP-UERJ presents the international lecture cycle Making Sense of the Post-Covid World: Continuities and Changes, a partnership between the Institute, the Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung (HIS), the Lateinamerika-Institut (Freie Universität Berlin) and the…

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Boletim OPSA nº 4 (out./dez. 2021)

Boletim OPSA nº 4 (out./dez. 2021)

O Observatório Político Sul-Americano (OPSA) divulga a mais nova edição do seu boletim trimestral. A publicação reúne análises sobre acontecimentos de destaque na conjuntura política da América do Sul ocorridos entre outubro e dezembro de 2021. O Boletim OPSA nº…

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Boletim GEEP v. 2 n.3 – O Brasil sob Bolsonaro: reflexões e perspectivas

Boletim GEEP v. 2 n.3 – O Brasil sob Bolsonaro: reflexões e perspectivas

The Political Economy Study Group (GEEP), coordinated by professors Fabiano Santos and Luiz Fernando de Paula, is launching its sixth GEEP Bulletin: “Brazil under Bolsonaro: Reflections and perspectives. This edition brings five articles by researchers from the group and special…

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Prof. Leticia Pinheiro offers course at Sciences Po – Bordeaux

Prof. Leticia Pinheiro offers course at Sciences Po – Bordeaux

As part of the Foreign Policy, Regionalism and International Cooperation project, Prof. Leticia Pinheiro, coordinator of the Nucleus for Studies of Actors and Foreign Policy Agendas (NEAAPE), presented the course Contemporary Brazilian Foreign Policy Making to students from the Institut…

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IESP-UERJ and EPyG-UNSAM launch joint Graduate Course in Argentina

IESP-UERJ and EPyG-UNSAM launch joint Graduate Course in Argentina

As part of its international agreement with the Escuela de Política y Gobierno (EPyG) of the Universidad Nacional San Martín (UNSAM), the Institute of Social and Political Studies presents in 2022 the short Graduate course  Retos de la Democracia y el…

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Enrollment period for Sociological Theory III course extended

Enrollment period for Sociological Theory III course extended

The deadline for enrollment of the students of IESP-UERJ in the Sociological Theory III – Unequal Controversies:The dynamics and constitution of contemporary studies of Social Stratification course, lectured by professors Carlos Antonio Costa Ribeiro and Rogério Barbosa, was extended to March 17,…

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Enrollment in 2022.1 courses for external students

Enrollment in 2022.1 courses for external students

Enrollment in the gratuate courses of the 2022.1 semester in IESP-UERJ for students of other postgraduate programs begins at tuesday, March 8, 10AM, ending at the following friday, March 11. Fill out this form (in portuguese) to apply. For questions…

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Caminhos – Ep 12: Fabiano Santos

Caminhos – Ep 12: Fabiano Santos

The webseries Caminhos:IESP-UERJ Graduate Oral Memory Program is releasing its 12th episode, with an interview of Prof. Fabiano Santos, coordinator of the Center for Studies on Congress (NECON) and the Brazilian Legislative Observatory (OLB). Dedicated to research and teaching of Political…

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IESP-UERJ Lecture Cycle 2022.1

IESP-UERJ Lecture Cycle 2022.1

The complete schedule of the first semester of the IESP-UERJ 2022 Lecture Cycle is now available. In this semester, the Cycle will feature some hybrid lectures, hosted by the Institute with online broadcast, without the need for registration, on our…

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Publication of the book ” Industrialization, Development and Technology Pairing in East Asia”, by Rafael Moura

Publication of the book ” Industrialization, Development and Technology Pairing in East Asia”, by Rafael Moura

Publisher Ideia D is launching the book Industrialization, Development and Technological Pairing in East Asia: The cases of Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China, by Rafael Moura, PhD in Political Science from IESP-UERJ and researcher at the National Institute of…

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