IESP-UERJ and EPyG-UNSAM launch joint Graduate Course in Argentina


As part of its international agreement with the Escuela de Política y Gobierno (EPyG) of the Universidad Nacional San Martín (UNSAM), the Institute of Social and Political Studies presents in 2022 the short Graduate course  Retos de la Democracia y el Desarrollo en América Latina. Carried out with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank, the Graduate was proposed in 2021 by the two institutions to the Ministry of Education of Argentina, receiving approval and funding through the Campus Argentina Global Program, with the goal of favoring the acquisition of knowledge and academic, scientific and professional skills in strategic areas for the country’s development.

Coordinated by Prof. Carlos R. S. Milani (coordinator of LABMUNDO), the course addresses current problems in the areas of Political Science and International Relations, with a focus in Latin America, forming 26 students selected from different regions of Argentina in these areas. Starting in April 2022, it will feature subjects taught by eight professors drawn from the Institute’s and EPyG-UNSAM’s faculty bodies. In addition to the remote classes, an in-person Seminar will be held between August 1st and 5th, in Buenos Aires, with the presence of the students, professors and other guests.

The 5 subjects of the Course, to be offered in Spannish, are:

  • Economía política de América Latina, with professors Fabiano Santos (IESP-UERJ) and Ximena Simpson (UNSAM).
  • Partidos políticos y representación en Brasil y Argentina, with professors Fernando Guarnieri (IESP-UERJ) and Rocío Annunziata (UNSAM).
  • Política, ambiente y cambio climático en América Latina, with professors Carlos R. S. Milani (IESP-UERJ) and Ricardo Gutiérrez (UNSAM).
  • Tolerancia a los intolerantes en sociedades democráticas: tensiones teóricas y normativas, with Professor San Romanelli Assumpção (IESP-UERJ).
  • Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo, with professors Carlos R. S. Milani (IESP-UERJ) and Alejandra Kern (UNSAM).

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