Caminhos – Ep 12: Fabiano Santos


The webseries Caminhos:IESP-UERJ Graduate Oral Memory Program is releasing its 12th episode, with an interview of Prof. Fabiano Santos, coordinator of the Center for Studies on Congress (NECON) and the Brazilian Legislative Observatory (OLB). Dedicated to research and teaching of Political Science for over 30 years, the professor at IESP-UERJ is one of the leading authors in the field of studies on political institutions and legislative power in Brazil. Master and PhD by our graduate programs, Fabiano has been part of the Institute’s faculty since the 1990s

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Conception: Luiz Augusto Campos Production: Mariani Ferri Script and interview: Hélio Cannone Camera: João Pedro Pacheco e Jonas Conceição Editing: João Pedro Pacheco Visual identity: Gerome Ibri Visual effects: Guigga Tomaz

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