Release of”Social Movements and Politics during COVID-19″, by Breno Bringel and Geoffrey Pleyers


Bristol University Press is releasing the book Social Movements and Politics during COVID-19: Crisis, Solidarity and Change in a Global Pandemic, edition organized by Prof. Breno Bringel, coordinator of the Nucleus of Social Theory and Latin America Studies (NETSAL), together with researcher Geoffrey Pleyers (FNRS – Belgium).

 Bringing together experts from 27 countries, the work explores the global echoes of the pandemic and the different responses adopted by governments, policy makers and activists. The new expressions of social action, and forms of solidarity and protest, are discussed in detail, from the Black Lives Matter protests to the French Strike Movement and the Lebanese Uprising. This is a unique global analysis on the current crisis and the contemporary world and its outcomes.

Social Movements and Politics during COVID-19 can be purchased in its physical form or read for free in its digital form at the publisher’s official website.

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