Interview with Breno Bringel, at TV CLACSO


Prof. Breno Bringel, coordinator of the Center for Social Theory and Latin America Studies (NETSAL), gave an interview to the InfoCLACSO2022 en vivo program, broadcast on the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) YouTube channel. The political scientist spoke to the Council’s Communication and Information Director, Gustavo Lema, about initiatives in building socio-ecological transitions, the Latin American political scenario and the upcoming elections in Brazil, presenting the conclusions of the 2022 People’s Global Summit:

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The interview with the professor (in Spanish) starts at the 23rd minute of the program. Karina Batthyány, Executive Director of CLACSO and Nicolás Arata, Director of Training and Knowledge Mobilization also participated in this edition of the program

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