Alumn of IESP-UERJ appointed Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Guinea-Bissau


Prof. Dr. Timóteo Saba M’bunde, Master and PhD in Political Science from IESP-UERJ, was appointed Minister of State of the Government of Guinea-Bissau, for the Higher Education and Scientific Research portfolio. Dean of Amílcar Cabral University (UAC) since April 2020, M’bunde is also a researcher at the Laboratory of World Political Analysis (LABMUNDO) and is the author of the book Brazilian and Chinese foreign policies for Guinea-Bissau in a comparative approach (1974- 2014): South-South cooperation for development (Gramma Editora, 2018), the result of his dissertation research guided by Prof. Carlos R. S. Milani

Timóteo was sworn in on January 26th. The Institute of Social and Political Studies expresses its pride in seeing one of its students assuming such responsability, and wishes the new minister an excellent administration.

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