With EPyG-UNSAM, IESP-UERJ promotes Academic Seminar in Buenos Aires, Argentina


In August 2022, the Institute for Social and Political Studies (IESP-UERJ), with the School of Politics and Government (EPyG-UNSAM), promotes the Retos de La Democracia y Desarollo en América Latina Journey, at the National University of San Martín’ campus (UNSAM), in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The in-person seminar is the finishing activity of the O seminário presencial é a atividade de conclusão do short Graduate Couse held by the international academic cooperation agreement between the two institutions, and taught by professors from both since April.

Between August 1st and 4, the Journey will offer a few activitie directed only for students and with panels open to the general public, on themes related to the course’s content. Professors Carlos Milani,  Fabiano Santos, Fernando Guarnieri and San Romanelli Assumpção, members of the course’s faculty board, will participate in the discussion panels.


01/08 (Monday):

  • 11h00 – Opening with authorities and professors from IESP-UERJ,  EPyG-UNSAM and representatives of Argentina’s Ministry of Education.
  • 11h30 – 13h00: Opening panel –  Antropoceno, Cambio Climático y Modelos  de Desarrollo.
    Speakers : Carlos Milani (IESP-UERJ), Lucas Christel (IIP-EPyG CONICET/UNSAM).
    Comments: Ricardo Gutiérrez (IIP-EPyG CONICET/UNSAM).

04/08 (Quinta-feira):

  • 10h30 – 12h00: Panel Democracia y Polarización Política em Latinoamérica.
    Speakers: Gabriel Vommaro (EIDAES-UNSAM/CONICET), San Romanelli Assumpção (IESP-UERJ) e Fabiano Santos (IESP-UERJ).
    Mediator: Rocío Annunziata (IIP-CONICET-EPyG/UNSAM-CONICET).
  • 14h00 – 16h00: Panel Capacidades Estatales y Alianzas Estratégicas entre Brasil y Argentina.
    Valeria Pattacini (Sec. Int y Coop Int / UNSAM), Alejandro Frenkel (IIP-EPyG CONICET/UNSAM), Flavio Gaitán (UNILA / INCTPPED).
    Mediator: Alejandra Kern (EH-UNSAM / SAE).
  • 16h30 – 18h00: Panel Elecciones en Brasil y su impacto en Argentina: Escenarios Posibles.
    Fernando Guarnieri(IESP-UERJ) e Marcelo Cavarozzi (IIP-EPyG CONICET/UNSAM).
    Mediator: Ximena Simpson (IIP-CONICET-EPyG/UNSAM).

Coordinated by Prof. Carlos Milani, the Retos de la Democracia y el Desarrollo en América Latina course has formed 26 students selected from different regions in Argentina, adressing current problems in the areas of Political Science and International Relations, with a focus on Latin America. The closure Academic Journey is the only in-person activty of the course, an oportunity to reflect about the current situation in a comparative key, with special emphasis on the cases of Brazil and Argentina, two of the most important countries in the region, with destinies necessarily connected.

This project count with the suport of of the Inter-American Development Bank, having been proposed in 2021 by the IESP-UERJ/EPyG-UNSAM partnership to Argentina’s Ministry of Education and receiving approval anad funding through the  Campus Argentina Global Program. IESP-UERJ was one of only two brazilian teaching institutions in the areas of Political Science and International Relationships granted with the funding.

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