“The Bolsonaro Government and the Pre-Electoral Political Scenario” – Article by Fernando Guarnieri and Argelina Figueiredo


Professors Argelina Figueiredo and Fernando Guarnieri, respectively coordinator and researcher at the Laboratory of Electoral Studies (Doxa), jointly write the article The Bolsonaro Government and the Pre-Electoral Political Scenario, published in the most recent number of the Cadernos Adenauer series by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Brazil. The issue is dedicated to the theme of Elections 2022, and brings a set of articles dedicated to some of the main topics on the Brazilian political agenda in an election year.

In the 2018 presidential elections, the Brazilian political space has become two-dimensional. Less because of changes in voter preferences and more because of a successful campaign strategy by Jair Bolsonaro. His campaign gave salience to the sociocultural dimension, which aggregates themes such as gender identity, racial equality, “law and order,” among others, which now has the same weight in the voting decision as the economic dimension, which dominated the debate during the 1990s and 2000s. If the introduction of a new dimension favored Bolsonaro in the election, it brought him into conflict with an institutionally unidimensional legislature. In this article we show how this conflict led to the configuration of forces that will contest the 2022 elections.

Read the full article at KAS Brasil’s page.

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