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Book Launch: “The Language of the Becoming City”, with Prof. Mariana Cavalcanti

IESP-UERJ's YouTube channel broadcasts the launch of the book The Language of the Becoming City: Making Spacial Justice from Conflicts, Commons, Networks and Hybridity (JOVIS Verlag Publisher). This work is the result of a collaboration between scholars Solano da Silva, Evelyn Fernandes, Yvan Ikhlef, Iain Low, Ulrika Lundgren, Katarina Nitsch, Henrietta Palmer and Prof. Mariana Cavalcanti, coordinator of Grupo Casa.   Starting at 9 am, watch it live on our channel! To download the full programme of the event, click here.   The Language of the Becoming City is about the urban environment, and how it is transformed by people…

Book Launch: “Industrialization, Development and Technological Pairing in East Asia: The cases of Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China”, by Rafael Moura

At friday,  March 11, 17h, IESP-UERJ hosts de launch event of the book No dia 11 de março (sexta-feira), a partir das 17h, o IESP-UERJ sedia o lançamento do livro Industrialization, Development and Technological Pairing in East Asia: The cases of Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China, written by Prof. Rafael Moura (Master and PhD in Political Science at the Institute).   Click here to download the E-Book (in portuguese) for free.   The in person event will include a debate between Prof. Ana Célia Castro (UFRJ), deputy coordinator of INCT-PPED and director of the Brazilian School for Higher Studies…

Palestra: Leila da Costa Ferreira 

The IESP-UERJ 2022.1 Lecture Cycle presents Leila da Costa Ferreira (IFCH-UNICAMP), with the lecture “One step forward, two steps back: the importance of environmental issues for social change and the future of Brazil”. Starting at 2pm, watch it live in our YouTube channel   Cycle's Curators: Carlos R. S. Milani e José Szwako Technical Assistance: Mariane Costa Matos

Palestra: Mario Medeiros

O Ciclo de Palestras IESP-UERJ 2022.1 apresenta Mario Medeiros (IFCH-Unicamp), com a palestra “Livrarias negras no sudeste brasileiro (1972-2018)”. A partir das 14h, assista em nosso canal no YouTube   Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2011), Mario Medeiros possui graduação em Ciências Sociais (2003) e mestrado em Sociologia (2006) pela mesma instituição. Atualmente, é docente do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (IFCH) da Unicamp. Tem experiência na área de Sociologia, com ênfase em Teoria Sociológica, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Pensamento Social Brasileiro, Literatura e Sociedade, Intelectuais Negros. Recebeu, em 2013, o Prêmio para Jovens Cientistas Sociais…

Lecture: Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky

The IESP-UERJ Lecture Cycle receives Prof. Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky (Institute of Economics at UFRJ) to present the conference The social time of public spending. Starting at 15h30, whatch it live in our YouTube channel   Cycle's Curators : Carlos R. S. Milani and José Szwako Technical Assistance: Mariane Costa Matos

Lecture Cycle: Rurion Melo

IESP-UERJ Rua da Matriz, 82 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

IESP-UERJ Lecture Cycle invites Prof. Rurion Melo (IEA-USP) to present the conference Democracy and antiracism.   Starting at 2pm, with live streaming on our YouTube channel   Rurion Soares Melo is a professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of São Paulo and a researcher at the Brazilian Centre for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP). Between 2007 and 2008, he was a visiting researcher at J. W. Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main and Freie Universität Berlin. He coordinates the Group for the Study of Politics and Critical Theory at the University of São Paulo and is also a…