Paulo Ferracioli Silva is post-doc researcher (CAPES grant) at INCT/Institute of Democracy and Democratization of Communication, linked to the Laboratory of Media and Public Sphere Studies (LEMEP). PhD in Political Science from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Master in Communication from UFPR (2017). Member of the Research Group on Communication, Policy and Technology (PONTE), at UFPR.

He works in the area of ​​Political Communication, having as main themes Political Journalism and Transparency. Graduated in Social Communication – Journalism from the Federal University of Paraná (2013) and in Law from Unicuritiba (2014). Among his main publications, the articles The Watchdog Role of Fact-Checkers in Different Media Systems, published in Digital Journalism; and Journalism as an agent of public transparency in Brazil: The news coverage on the Access to Information Law, available in the journal OBSERVATORIO (OBS*).

Principais artigos

FERRACIOLI, PAULO; MARQUES, F. P. J.; KNIESS, A. B. The Watchdog Role of Fact-Checkers in Different Media Systems. Digital Journalism. , v.1, p.1 – 21, 2022.

FREITAS, D.; MONTALVERNE, C.; MARQUES, F. P. J.; FERRACIOLI, PAULO. A atuação do jornalismo editorial no escândalo JBS: uma análise comparativa sobre os jornais Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIA POLÍTICA. , v.33, p.1 – 39, 2020.

FERRACIOLI, PAULO; RIZZOTTO, CARLA CANDIDA. Entre a responsabilidade, o conflito e o interesse humano: análise de enquadramento da cobertura sobre biografias. Lumina. , v.14, p.175 – 193, 2020.

FERRACIOLI, PAULO; MARQUES, F. P. J. Jornalismo, colaboração e interesse público. E-COMPÓS (BRASÍLIA). , v.1, p.1 – , 2020.

FERRACIOLI, PAULO; MARQUES, F. P. J. O Jornalismo como agente da transparência pública: A cobertura noticiosa no caso da Lei de Acesso à Informação brasileira. OBSERVATORIO (OBS*). , v.14, p.16 – 37, 2020.

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