PhD in Sociology from Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos (IESP) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Specialist in Public Policies for Equality in Latin America by the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO). She researches about social inequalities throughout the life cycle, with an emphasis on families, gender and class relations.
She is currently developing postdoctoral research at IESP-UERJ, where she is an associate researcher at the Center for the Study of Wealth and Social Stratification (CERES). She was coordinator of the Population and Gender WG of the Brazilian Association of Population Studies (ABEP) for the 2015-2016 biennium. She has been Publications Editor at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora  (UFJF) since 2010.

Principais artigos

ITABORAÍ, Nathalie Reis Stratified Motherhoods: Gaps and Contradictions in Social Protection of Mothers and Their Children in Brazil In: Mothering and Welfare: Depriving, Surviving, Thriving.1 ed.Bradford: Demeter Press, 2020, v.1, p. 83-96.

ITABORAÍ, Nathalie Reis Geographies of Care and Peripheral Citizenship Among Mothers of the Brazilian Bolsa Família Program In: Maternal Geographies: Mothering In and Out of Place.1 ed.Bradford: Demeter Press, 2019, p. 189-203.

ITABORAÍ, Nathalie Reis Between the Private and the Public: Paradoxes of Motherhood and Politics in Brazil In: Mothers in Public and Political Life.1 ed.Bradford: Demeter Press, 2017, p. 167-192.

ITABORAÍ, Nathalie Reis Trabalho feminino e mudanças nas famílias no Brasil (1976-2012): uma perspectiva de classe e gênero. Revista Gênero, v.16, p.173 – 199, 2016.

ITABORAÍ, Nathalie Reis Las desigualdades de clase en el comportamiento reproductivo en el Brasil: democratización incompleta y paradojas de la fecundidad juvenil. Revista Notas de Población (Cepal), v. 42, p. 61 – 89, 2015.

Principais livros

ITABORAÍ, Nathalie Reis Mudanças nas famílias brasileiras (1976-2012) : uma perspectiva de classe e gênero. Rio de Janeiro: Garamond, 2017 p.480.

ITABORAÍ, Nathalie Reis; RICOLDI, A. M. Até onde caminhou a revolução de gênero no Brasil? Implicações demográficas e questões sociais. Belo Horizonte: ABEP, 2016.