Luiz Fernando Rodrigues de Paula
He holds a degree in Economics at UERJ (1984), a PhD in Economics at UNICAMP(1997), and did his post-doctoral studies at St Antonys College, Oxford University (2000/01). Professor at the Institute of Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IE/UERJ) and Voluntary Professor at IESP-UERJ, where he coordinates the Group for the Study of Economics and Politics (GEEP).
Researcher level 1-C of CNPq and “Cientista do Nosso Estado” of FAPERJ, he was President of the Brazilian Keynesian Association (AKB) in 2009-2013 and is currently associate editor of the Brazilian Keynesian Review and member of the editorial board of the Journal of Political Economy and the European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies. Professor de Paula is vice-coordinator of the Structural Development Macroeconomics (UnB) and associate researcher of the Financial System Observatory (OSF) and the Central Bank Observatory (OBC), both at IE/UFRJ, and of the Finance and Development Group at UFF (FINDE). His main areas of research include economic development, political economy, monetary and financial economics, macroeconomics, and post-Keynesian theory.
He is the author of Financial Liberalization and Economic Performance: Brazil at the Crossroads (Routledge) and “Sistema Financeiro, Bancos e Financiamento da Economia: Uma Abordagem Keynesiana” (Campus), co-author of “Economia Monetária e Financeira” (Gen) and “Macroeconomia da Estagnação Brasileira” (Alta Books), and co-editor of several books.
Principais artigos
“The COVID-19 crisis and counter-cyclical policies in Brazil”. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, 18(2): 177-197, 2021.
“Financialization, coalition of interests and interest rate in Brazil” (coautoria com L.C. Bresser-Pereira e M.Bruno). Revue de la Regulation: Capitalisme, Institutions, Pouvoirs 27: 1- 24, 2020.
“The developmentalist project of the PT governments: An economic and political assessment” (coautoria com F.Santos e R.Moura). Latin American Perspectives 47: 8-24, 2020.
“The Chinese catching Up: A classical developmentalist approach” (coautoria com E. Jabbour). Journal of Econmic Issues 54(3): 855-875, 2020. “Keynes at the periphery: Currency hierarchy and challenges for economic policy in emerging economies” (coautoria com B.Fritz e D.Prates). Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 40(2): 183-202, 2017.
Principais livros
Macroeconomia da Estagnação Brasileira (Alta Books)
Sistema Financeiro, Bancos e Financiamento da Economia: Uma Abordagem Keynesiana (Campus)
Financial Liberalization and Economic Performance: Brazil at the Crossroads (Routledge)
Na mídia
Implicações macroeconômicas da Lava-Jato – Aula junto com Rafael Moura. Instituto Lula, 13/7/2021
Do bom gasto público à volta do ‘velho normal’– Entrevista a Pedro Cafardo. Valor Econômico, 08/06/2021,
Luiz Fernando de Paula – Coronavírus e as ações contracíclicas no Brasil. Reunião Finde, 18/5/2021
O pecado original restaurado (coautoria com B.Fritz e D.Prates) – Valor Econômico, 19/10/2020.
Conversas Keynesianas – Fabio Terra conversa com Luiz Fernando de Paula” – TV AKB