Alba Zaluar

PhD in Anthropology (USP-1984)

Lattes Orcid

Finished the bachelor degree in Social Sciences at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro — UFRJ — (1965), studied as a graduate student at University of Manchester, finishing several courses, but defending the master’s thesis in Antropology at Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1974) and the doctorate in Antropologia at Universidade de São Paulo — USP –(1984). She became Prof. Livre Docente (university teacher with freedom to teach) in a public tender at Universidade Estadual de Campinas — UNICAMP — (1991). She is currently full professor at Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro where she started and coordinates till now the Nucleo de Pesquisa deViolências (NUPEVI) with several researches on domestic, urban, related to drug trade and police violence. She has experience in Urban Antropology e Sociology of Religion, acting on the following subjects: urban inequality, poverty, violence, drug trafficking, citizenship, gender, youth, sociability, reciprocity and public policies.