
Condolence note for the passing of Candido Mendes

Condolence note for the passing of Candido Mendes

IESP-UERJ expresses its feelings regarding the loss of Candido Mendes de Almeida. Founder of the former IUPERJ, now IESP-UERJ, and of Revista Dados, Candido had a prominent role in Brazilian social sciences in the midst of an authoritarian regime. We…

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Enrollment in 2022.1 Courses

Enrollment in 2022.1 Courses

Enrollment in the graduate courses of the first semester of 2022, for students enrolled in IESP-UERJ, begins next Monday, February 21, at 10 am, and continues until March 7, in 3 pm. Access the courses schedule and sylabuses here and…

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Applications for the Math Leveling for Lego I Course

Applications for the Math Leveling for Lego I Course

IESP-UERJ invites all of the academic community, both internal and external, to participate in the Leveling in Mathematics for Lego I Course, which will be run between the 7th and 11th of March, from 7pm to 10pm, remotely, by the…

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Caminhos – Ep. 11: José Murilo de Carvalho

Caminhos – Ep. 11: José Murilo de Carvalho

The newest episode of Caminhos: IESP-UERJ Graduate Course Oral Memory Program is on the air, with historian and political scientist José Murilo de Carvalho. In its 11th episode, the series of interviews…

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Registrations for the V Meeting of Political Theory and Brazilian Political Though, at IESP-UERJ

Registrations for the V Meeting of Political Theory and Brazilian Political Though, at IESP-UERJ

Between the 6th and 8th of July 2022, the Institute of Social and Political Studies hosts the V Meeting of Political Theory and Brazilian Political Thought. Organized since 2017 by a group of researchers from several Brazilian teaching and research…

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Alumn of IESP-UERJ appointed Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Guinea-Bissau

Alumn of IESP-UERJ appointed Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Guinea-Bissau

Prof. Dr. Timóteo Saba M’bunde, Master and PhD in Political Science from IESP-UERJ, was appointed Minister of State of the Government of Guinea-Bissau, for the Higher Education and Scientific Research portfolio. Dean of Amílcar Cabral University (UAC) since April 2020,…

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Courses schedule 2022.1

Courses schedule 2022.1

The schedule of the IESP-UERJ postgraduate courses for the 2022.1 period is now available and can be viewed by clicking here. Over the next few days, the sylabuses of each course will be available for download. …

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PhD Classes of 2022 Selection – Final Results

PhD Classes of 2022 Selection – Final Results

The Institute of Social and Political Studies of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ) releases the final results of its selection process for the 2022 classes of the Doctoral courses in Sociology and Political Science. Check…

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Seleção de Doutorado IESP-UERJ 2022 – Selecionados para arguição do pré-projeto

Seleção de Doutorado IESP-UERJ 2022 – Selecionados para arguição do pré-projeto

Já estão publicadas as listas de candidatos selecionados para a fase de aguição de pré-projeto dos processos seletivos para as turmas 2022 dos Doutorados em Ciência Política e Sociologia no IESP-UERJ. Clique aqui para conferir os resultados e acessar os editais …

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