Barbara Goulart is a postdoctoral researcher at IESP-UERJ with a PDJ CNPq grant. She holds a PhD in sociology from PPGSA-UFRJ, having been a visiting scholar at EHESS, Paris, France. She also holds a master’s degree from PPGSA/UFRJ and a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences from CPDOC/FGV. Her doctoral dissertation, entitled The Past in Dispute: Political Memories of João Goulart, will be published in book format in 2022 by the publisher 7Letras.

Barbara also has experience with audiovisual, being co-director and co-writer of the documentary Terra Revolta: João Pinheiro Neto and the Agrarian Reform in Brazil, which will be released in 2022. Her current research project is focused on the Torture Never Again Group from Rio de Janeiro. She is also a collaborator in the project “Memory as an instrument for reparation, reconciliation, justice and peace construction: recognition of survivors and victims of forced disappearance in northwestern Mexico”, carried out jointly with researchers from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico. Barbara is interested in the areas of political sociology, political culture, collective memory, human rights and social movements.

Principais artigos

GOULART, Barbara. O PT Esquece e Relembra o Passado: Tensões e Distensões nas Memórias Petistas sobre o Governo João Goulart. Revista Ciências Sociais Unisinos, 2022. NO PRELO

GOULART, Barbara. (Re)lembrando Jango hoje: uma análise sociológica das memórias sobre João Goulart. REVISTA SOCIEDADE E ESTADO, v. 37, p. 651-672, 2022.

GOULART, Barbara. Reflexões Sociológicas sobre Memória e Política. CONTEMPORÂNEA (ONLINE), v. 10, p. 203-228, 2020.

GOULART, Barbara. Burocracia e Gerência Pública: Notas sobre o debate nacional e internacional. AGENDA POLÍTICA, v. 4, p. 12-32, 2016.

GOULART, Barbara. O conceito de cultura política nas ciências sociais e as especificidades brasileiras. Século XXI – Revista de Ciências Sociais, v. 5, p. 111-133, 2015

Principais livros

GOULART, Barbara. O Passado em Disputa: Memórias Políticas sobre João Goulart. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. 7Letras, 2022.