Temática Política
Transições socioecológicas e mudança política
Lego II: Modelos de Regressão Linear e extensões
Tópicos de Economia Política
Teoria Política II
Desigualdades Raciais e Justiça
Implicações Empíricas de Modelos Teóricos em Ciência Política
Political Theory Workshop with Felipe Freller
Continuing with the reflections of the debate surrounding the launch of the book When it is necessary to decide: Benjamin Constant and the problem of arbitrariness, Prof. San Romanelli Assumpção, coordinator of PPGCP, and Prof. Paulo Henrique Cassimiro invite researcher…
Registrations for the V Meeting of Political Theory and Brazilian Political Though, at IESP-UERJ

Between the 6th and 8th of July 2022, the Institute of Social and Political Studies hosts the V Meeting of Political Theory and Brazilian Political Thought. Organized since 2017 by a group of researchers from several Brazilian teaching and research…