Fernanda Nanci Gonçalves

PhD and MA in Political Science from the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (IFCH-UFRGS), Bruno Marques Schaefer is Professor of Political Science at IESP-UERJ. He acts as an associate researcher…
PhD in Political Science from IESP/UERJ (2018), Master in Political Science from UFPR (2014) and Bachelor and Licensed in Social Sciences from UFPR (2011). Researcher at the Laboratory of Electoral Studies, Political Communication and Public Opinion (Doxa). Has experience and…
PhD in Political Science from IESP-UERJ, Master in Political Science from UFRGS and BA in International Relations from UFRGS, Diogo Ives de Quadros is currently a researcher and deputy coordinator at the South American Political Observatory (OPSA) and also a…