Postdoctoral researcher at the Multidisciplinary Studies for Affirmative Actions Group (Gemaa), funded by Serrapilheira Institute. Assistant editor of DADOS. She received the award for the best Political Science Thesis from Iesp-Uerj in 2022, an institution in which she defended her doctorate and master’s degree. She graduated in Social Sciences from UFRJ.

Visiting researcher at the University of Cambridge – with a CAPES/PDSE grant -, at the University of Coimbra (UC), at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNCuyo) and at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM). She taught courses on gender and politics at UFRJ, UnB and SESC-São Paulo. She collaborated in ABCP research (2020-2021) and is currently part of an extension project in ANPOCS. In scientific dissemination, she contributes to Nexo Políticas Públicas and Latinoamérica 21.

In 2018, she founded the collective construction project Horizontes ao Sul, which won first place in honourable mention at the ANPOCS Award for Scientific Dissemination in Social Sciences. She also received a scholarship from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) to map initiatives to popularize Social Sciences in Brazil. She is part of the Executive Committee of the Brazilian Network of Women Scientists (RBMC) and the Network for Research in Feminisms and Politics. She participates in national and international research, having published articles on gender and politics, history of political science, inequalities, social movements, media and politics, and Latin American politics.

Principais artigos

“Transparência em DADOS: submissões, pareceristas e diversidade no fluxo editorial dos últimos anos”. DADOS – Revista de Ciências Sociais, v.65, n.1, 2022. (Com Luiz Augusto Campos). Disponível em inglês

“The Gendered Division of Labor in Brazilian Political Science Publications”. Brazilian Political Science Review, v.15, n3., 2021. (Com Luiz Augusto Campos e João Feres Júnior).

“As Ciências Sociais na Pandemia de Covid-19: rotinas de trabalho e desigualdades”. Sociologia e Antropologia, n.esp, 2021. (Com Danusa Marques, Vanessa Elias Oliveira e Flávia Biroli).

“Desigualdades na elite da ciência política brasileira”. Civitas – Revista de Ciências Sociais, v.19, n.3, 2019. (Com João Feres Júnior e Luiz Augusto Campos).

“Gênero e Raça no Cinema Brasileiro”. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, v.36, n.106, 2021. (Com Luiz Augusto Campos, João Feres Júnior e Poema Portela).

Núcleos de pesquisa